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  • 25 September 2024
  • News

Find out more about our peer inspector programme for local authorities

We’re seeking expressions of interest.


Before the pandemic, we developed a role for peer inspectors in our inspection of local authorities. 

We consulted with local authorities and others as part of this work and carried out a pilot across three inspections of local authority social services between November 2019 and January 2020. 

The peer inspectors brought their experience from direct practice and operational and strategic management within local authorities. Their contributions to the inspections were highly valued and enriched the inspections.   

The peer inspectors described the positive benefits both to them and their employing local authority. Some of their comments included:

“I really enjoyed the opportunity, felt that I learned lots and that I was able to draw upon my skills and knowledge-base to contribute to the inspection process.”

“It was really beneficial to explore other local authorities’ perceptions of case work, proportionate assessment and, inevitably, I was undertaking informal comparisons with my authority’s working practices and identifying areas where we can improve.”

“The opportunity to do something ‘different’ was energising for me as an individual.”

“On a personal level I have gained professionally. The experience has helped me to focus on the importance of embedding quality assurance systems within our services. It has also helped me to reflect on the importance of having clear plans to implement the key aspects of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014.”

Phase two

We are now launching phase two of the pilot and we’re seeking expressions of interest from practitioners in local authorities at team manager (or equivalent) level or above, who would be interested in becoming a peer inspector.

The relevant head of service/line manager will need to endorse any submitted expressions of interest and confirm the individual holds a satisfactory Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Enhanced Certificate.

Once you’ve discussed with your head of service or line manager, please complete this form (External link) by 4 October 2024.

You can read some frequently asked questions at the bottom of this page.

If you have any queries please contact us at