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Local authority performance evaluation and assurance check programme

These letters summarise the findings of our national assurance check programme which took place between September 2020 and July 2021.

The purpose of the assurance checks was to review how well local authority social services continue to help adults, children and carers at this difficult time and their plans for sustainability of services into the future.

Our focus was on:

  1. How well are local authorities discharging their statutory functions to keep people who need care and support and carers who need support, safe and promote their well-being during the pandemic.
  2. How well local authorities prevent the need for children to come in to care; and are children returning home to their families quickly enough, where safe to do so

Next steps

We expect the areas of improvement we have identified to be included in the local authorities’ improvement plans. We will monitor progress through our ongoing performance evaluation activity with the local authorities.

To view all our findings and recommendations read the full letters below.
