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Use the Care Inspectorate Wales widget

Care Inspectorate Wales widget

Our widget allows care providers who are registered with us to display summary information on their website.

Who can use our widget?

Our widget can be used by those who are registered and regulated by us.

How can I put the widget on my website?

Your website developer or the person responsible for your website will be able to help you place the widget on your website.

  1. Enter the name of the care service you want the widget for in the form below and select the service from the drop down box
  2. Enter your email address in the form
  3. Copy the code
  4. Paste the code into the HTML code of your website. Whoever is responsible for your website will be able to do this

How can I take the widget off my website?

Simply remove the code from your website. Again, whoever is responsible for your website will be able to do this.

What do I do if I have a problem using the widget on my website?

If you do experience problems using our widget please email our Communications and Engagement team.

By submitting this form you are agreeing to our Privacy Policy where you can read how we handle your data and information.

3 + 10 =
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.

Terms and conditions for using the widget

Our widget is designed to be used in conjunction with the Care Inspectorate Wales website. Use of the widget is governed by our website Terms and Conditions and Privacy Statement.

What you can do

  • You can use our widget to display summary information about care services we regulate if you are registered with us.

What you can’t do

  • You can't use it in any way that would deliberately mislead people
  • You can't modify it in any way
  • You can't use it any way that would bring Care Inspectorate Wales into disrepute
  • You can't sell it or sublicense it
  • You can't use it in any way that could intentionally damage Care Inspectorate Wales

Disclaimer of warranties

Limitation of liability

Care Inspectorate Wales disclaims any responsibility for any harm resulting from your use of the widget.

You understand and agree that you access and/or use the widget at your own discretion and risk, and that you will be solely responsible for any damages to your computer system or loss of data that results from accessing or using the widget.