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Data Tools

These interactive data tools provide up to date information and data about the services that are registered to provide care in Wales.

Services and places data tool

This data tool provides information on the number of services and places for care homes, domiciliary support, and childcare and play services across Wales.

Services and place data tool

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Services and places data tool introduction video

Childcare and play self reporting data tool

This data tool includes all the information we collect during the Self Assessment of Service statement (SASS) annual return, which is completed by all registered childcare and play providers in Wales. This information includes everything from food hygiene ratings to staff qualifications.

Childcare and play self-reporting data tool

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Childcare and play self-reporting data tool introduction video

Adults and Children’s Services data tool

Every year (starting in 2022) we collect data and information from Adult and Children’s Services. This is called the Annual Return. The Adults and Children’s Services data tool contains a range of useful information from:

  • Care home services
  • Domiciliary services
  • Regulated fostering services
  • Regulated adoption services
  • Regulated advocacy services
  • Adult placement services

Information collected from providers of residential family centre services and secure accommodation services have been excluded this data to prevent the disclosure of sensitive information

Adults and Children’s Services data tool

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If you have any queries about the Power BI Data Tool email us at