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Social media

Guidelines for using our social media channels.

We have a number of social media channels which we use to inform and update you about our work, including LinkedinTwitter, YouTube and Facebook. (External links)

We encourage discussion and interaction on our channels. However, we do ask that you are respectful when posting and that you follow our house rules.

House rules

  • When posting, be respectful to others using our social media channels.
  • For your safety, never include your phone number, email, address or other personal information in a post. Remember, your comments are visible to all.
  • Do not post material that is unlawful, obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, abusive, slanderous, hateful or embarrassing to any other entity.
  • Do not post third party adverts, chain letters or ‘spam’.

We reserve the right to delete posts, block and/or remove users who do not follow our house rules.

The views and opinions expressed on Care Inspectorate Wales social media channels do not necessarily represent those of Care Inspectorate Wales. Therefore, we cannot be held responsible for the accuracy or reliability of information posted by external parties. Follows and retweets/shares do not equal endorsement.


We monitor our social media accounts from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (not including public holidays) and will respond as soon as possible during these times. If you ask us a question outside these hours, we will respond as soon as possible. Social media platforms may occasionally be unavailable and we accept no responsibility for lack of service due to downtime or problems with connectivity. We reserve the right to delete our social media accounts at any time.