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  • 8 June 2021
  • News

Action required for services currently voluntary suspended

If your service is currently voluntary suspended and the date for lifting your voluntary suspension has now expired or is due to expire within the next month you need to take action.

It is a regulatory requirement that you inform us of your intention going forward.

This may be:

  • lifting your suspension and providing a service again, or
  • extending your period of voluntary suspension, including a new end date

To do this you must submit a notification - Voluntary Suspension of Service using your CIW Online account in order to update your online account details.

If you do not intend to resume running your service, you must submit an online variation to cancel your service using your CIW Online account.

If you experience any issues or difficulties with this please contact on 0300 7900 126, option 4 or email

It is a regulatory requirement that you provide this information. If you fail to do so, CIW will consider its enforcement options in relation to the registration of your service.