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  • 21 June 2021
  • News

Joint Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) and Estyn inspections of non-maintained settings: resuming joint inspections

We suspended our joint inspection programme in March 2020 and have been reviewing the situation each term.

Together, we (CIW) and Estyn have decided to extend the current suspension of joint inspections to the end of the autumn term. This will allow Estyn to support the sector in renewing their arrangements and plan for curriculum for Wales and additional learning needs reform. We aim to re-start joint inspections in the spring term 2022. We will continue to monitor the situation carefully and evolve our plans as necessary.

During the pause in inspection, we have liaised with a range of stakeholders to evaluate whether any adjustments are required to the framework. We are reflecting on this feedback and making suitable amendments to the framework. We aim to publish the revised framework in November 2021. We will be sensitive to settings’ experiences of the pandemic when we resume inspection.