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  • 30 September 2021
  • News

We are piloting a new way of requesting information via CIW Online

We’ve developed a way to make it quicker, easier and safer for providers to send us documents.

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everybody and has inevitably changed the way in which CIW works.

As a result of the pandemic, significantly more documents are now being requested from services by CIW and submitted to CIW via email.

From 1 October 2021, a selected sample group of providers will have access to a new secure way of sending us requested documents. This pilot will run over the next few months, and eventually roll out to all providers. 

What’s new?

This new secure feature will replace the use of email when requesting documents from services. These requests will appear directly in service representatives’ CIW Online account, and providers will receive an alert to tell them that a message has arrived.

Child minder and children’s day care services

Responsible Individuals, Registered Persons and Organisation Officers who have activated their CIW Online account will now be able to add and remove ‘Online Assistants’ to their services. Once added, these online assistants will be able to respond to information requests on behalf of the service.

Why we’ve made this change

The need to request documents quickly and easily, track those requests, provide definitive timelines for a response, keep documents secure and only keep those documents for the time required, is of paramount importance to CIW given the often sensitive nature of the information required to help us in our work.

We will keep you updated as the pilot of this new and exciting feature progresses.