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  • 29 November 2021
  • News

We have published ‘Let me flourish’, our national review of early help, care and support and transition for disabled children in Wales

We looked at how well local authorities, working with their partners, provide early help, care and support for disabled children.

Working in collaboration with Healthcare Inspectorate Wales, our national review programme began November 2019.

We looked at how well disabled children were supported to reach their full potential and considered how different professionals and organisations worked together, in partnership with families, to ensure children had access to and received the right support at the right time. We also reviewed how effective local authorities were at ensuring disabled children and their families had their voices heard.

Gillian Baranski, our Chief Inspector commented on the publication of the report:-

It has never been more important for the well-being of disabled children in Wales to be the focus of our attention.  We committed to complete this review during a challenging time because we were aware the pandemic was impacting support for disabled children. Promoting the well-being of disabled children relies on local authorities and health boards working effectively together. The review and its findings provide a benchmark for CIW and HIW to monitor the progress made by local authorities and health boards, and to drive improvement for disabled children and their families.

I am pleased to see safeguarding remains a priority for local authorities and their partners.

It is essential, now more than ever, all partners take a rights based approach to supporting children and their families. This includes ensuring their views are reflected in all aspects of service planning and delivery.

I would like to pay tribute to the outstanding commitment shown by practitioners working with children but we must ensure they are well supported and have the time and opportunities to ensure person-centred practice.

Our findings: 

View our full report including our key findings below.