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  • 25 January 2022
  • News

We are celebrating 20 years. Help us celebrate!

Eisteddfod 2022 - Help us celebrate!

To mark our anniversary, we want to celebrate being the WELSH care inspectorate by holding our own mini Eisteddfod and would like to invite providers to join us.

This is particularly apt as today also marks the centenary of the Urdd Gobaith Cymru being established to give children and young people in Wales, opportunities to learn and socialise in Welsh.  At 100 years old, it has been here a bit longer than us!

Hold your own Eisteddfod

We’d really appreciate if care homes and childcare providers could help us by holding your own Eisteddfod to celebrate Welsh language and culture, and share your winning entry or a collage of your entries with us (these can be in Welsh or English).

We hope you will invite the people who use your service to take part by doing one (or all!) of the following:

  • Take a photograph of something / somewhere that symbolises Wales for them – and tell us why.
  • Draw or paint a picture of something that represents Wales for them.
  • Write a story or poem about what Wales means to them.

Our aim is to showcase as many of the entries as possible on our website and social media as part of our 20th Anniversary celebrations.

The closing date is 1 March 2022 and entries should be emailed to marked ‘Eisteddfod’

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