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  • 1 March 2022
  • News

Today we launch our new CIW Data Tool

This new interactive data visualisation tool provides information on services and places regulated with us.

The tool provides easily accessible information on the number of services and places for care home services, domiciliary support services and childcare and play services across Wales.  

Other data available

The tool can be used in many ways including:

  • finding information on the provision of services in Welsh and English;
  • enforcement activity across Wales;
  • a searchable list of services;
  • drilling down in to single or multiple areas to understand the geographic spread of services across Wales;
  • interrogating comparative information to gain insight across areas and service types; and
  • searching for a particular service, service type or area to provide a list of services/areas of interest.

To find out more and try out the data tool click the link below.