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  • 9 August 2022
  • News

Our review of Cafcass Cymru has been published

Read our findings and recommendations for the family court service that make sure children’s voices are heard in courts across Wales.

The purpose of our assurance check was to review the quality and effectiveness of Cafcass Cymru’s main functions of providing expert advice to courts, and safeguarding and supporting children and families. Our focus was to review public family law applications.

During May 2022 we asked young people and carers about their experience with Cafcass. This informed our work, and we undertook our inspection between 13 and 17 June 2022.

We found that even though staff face significant and increased pressure, they consistently deliver a quality of work that is of a good standard. We found no areas of serious concern.

The full report, including all our findings and recommendations, can be found below.

Next steps

We expect Cafcass Cymru to consider the areas identified for improvement and take appropriate action. We will monitor progress through our ongoing engagement activity with Cafcass Cymru.