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  • 16 January 2023
  • News

Updated digital registration certificates are being issued to all childcare and play providers

The certificates will be emailed out before the end of January.

We recently sent out Notices of Decision to all childcare and play providers to ‘add a condition’ to their registration to reflect the Responsible individual for the service, following their agreement via the Self-Assessment of Service Statement (SASS) two years ago.

Responsible Individuals who registered via CIW Online after March 2020 will already have this condition, but those that were registered before we switched to CIW Online, did not.

Providers have notified us about small changes to details of registration since our switch to CIW Online, such as surname changes for Registered Persons/Responsible Individuals, and certificates may not have been updated along the way.

As such we are issuing updated certificates to all childcare and play providers via email.

If all details on the certificate are correct there is no need to do anything.

If something is incorrect, please email