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  • 3 February 2023
  • News

Exploring new ways of working for promoting improvement - pilot

We are planning to test a new approach to supporting childcare and play settings to improve.

Last summer we set out how we were exploring a new approach to supporting childcare and play settings to improve, which will accompany our existing inspection methodology.

Since then, we have been working closely with a range of stakeholders to develop a new type of meeting with providers between their inspections, called Improvement Meetings.

The aim of these meetings is to allow providers the opportunity to let us know about any improvements they have made since the last inspection, including how they have responded to any non-compliance or recommendations; any other improvements they have identified as part of their own self-evaluation; and what they have done to implement these improvements.

We would also like to hear about any planned future improvements, and will signpost providers to other sources of advice and support which may be of assistance to them.

Next steps

We have written to all childcare and play settings, inviting them to express an interest in joining this exciting new pilot which will involve around 60 settings.

A group of providers from a range of different types of settings across Wales will be formed to participate in an Improvement Meeting and contribute to the evaluation of this new process.

To be considered for the pilot, providers should complete the short survey sent to them via email by 17 February 2023.

We will continue to keep you updated as the project develops.