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  • 16 July 2024
  • News

Summer activity providers may need to register with us

Forest schools, outdoor activities and more may require registration for the school holidays.

With the school holidays approaching, are you thinking about providing childcare, a forest school, outdoor activities, arts and crafts, performing arts, tuition or coaching to children in your own home or at another premises?

Did you know that you may need to apply to register with us?

You may not need to register if:

  • Care is only provided to children aged 12 years and over
  • No payment is made for the service
  • Children are not left in the care of the provider without parents present
  • Care is provided for less than two hours a day or fewer than six days within a calendar year
  • Coaching or tuition is provided in no more than two activities.

You can find more information about registration, including whether the service you intend to provide may be exempt, on our providing a care service page.

If you have any questions please email or call our registration team on 0300 7900 126.