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  • 6 February 2025
  • News

Improvement check in Cyngor Gwynedd adult services identifies positive progress, but further improvements are needed in key areas

We conducted this improvement check between 14 and 16 October 2024.

We found that while Cyngor Gwynedd's adult services have made some improvements since our 2022 inspection, further action is still required in several key areas.

The local authority benefits from a stable and experienced leadership team who have implemented positive changes. Leaders have worked to set a clear direction, supported by competent staff who feel well supported by both management and colleagues.

We found there is now increased stability in professional roles such as social workers and occupational therapists, however, continues to face challenges in relation to ensuring sufficient domiciliary care workers.

However, people continue to face delays in receiving assessments and reviews of their care and support plans. While there has been a reduction in the number of people waiting for domiciliary care since our last inspection, waiting times remain high for many service users.

The local authority continues to receive corporate support, which must be maintained to ensure progress is sustained and areas requiring improvement receive adequate resources. 

To see all our findings and recommendations, click on the link at the bottom of this page.

Next steps

We expect the local authority to take appropriate action to address the areas identified for improvement. We will monitor progress through our ongoing performance review activity with the local authority. 

We welcome the local authority sharing the positive practice identified with other local authorities, to promote learning and help drive continuous improvement in statutory services throughout Wales.

The local authority is expected to present this letter to elected members and subject it to public scrutiny through a formal and open committee meeting at the earliest opportunity. An invitation should also be extended to CIW to attend the meeting.