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Care planning for children and young people subject to the Public Law Outline pre-proceedings in Torfaen

This letter summarises the findings of our activity during January 2023.

Between 17 and 19 January 2023, we reviewed Torfaen County Borough Council’s children’s services as part of our national review of care planning for children and young people subject to the Public Law Outline pre-proceedings.

When social services are concerned about the welfare of a child they may hold a Public Law Outline Meeting (PLO) or a pre-proceedings meeting. If adequate change or improvements are not made following this meeting then the local authority may need to make an application to the court and ask them to make orders to protect the child.

The purpose of the review is to provide external scrutiny, assurance and to promote improvement in relation to the care planning for children and young people subject to the Public Law Outline (pre-proceedings).

To see all our findings and recommendations, read the full letter below. Activity will be completed in four local authorities across Wales and the findings will contribute to the national review taking into consideration information also obtained through each local authority’s self evaluation.