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National Advisory Board

Our National Advisory Board provides a voice for people in the way we do our work.

How the Board helps us

The Board helps us by giving advice and recommendations on how we can improve care and social services in Wales for people, through better regulation, inspection and review.

It also:

  • Provides specialist knowledge and insight into care and social services
  • Represents a ‘voice’ for the views of families and relatives, carers, and people who use services but also the views of all people involved in care and social services
  • Provides a ‘critical’ oversight of our work to ensure it meets its aims and delivers positive outcomes for people
  • Provides a positive contribution in suggesting solutions to the findings of our work and the challenges facing care and social services
  • Provides coherence and joined up working across all ‘partners’ involved in our work
  • Influences our future work plan based on our own findings and that of our regional performance

How often does the Board meet?

The Board meets three times a year at alternate locations around Wales.