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  • 20 November 2024
  • News

Our findings from our assurance check of adult services in Neath Port Talbot

We carried out this assurance check between 17 and 19 September 2024.

This assurance check focused on adult services and reviewed Neath Port Talbot’s performance in exercising their duties and functions in line with legislation.


Inspectors found that leaders are accessible, approachable, and maintain regular contact with practitioners, fostering a supportive and connected environment.

Since 2021, efforts have been made by the local authority to improve early help and prevention services. Future plans include setting up more community hubs, increasing access to digital technologies and restructuring teams to make support more accessible.

The local authority responds to most safeguarding enquiries in a timely and proportionate way.

The local authority works with health and partners to have weekly virtual meetings. This exemplifies effective partnership working, fostering shared understanding and mutual cooperation across services. By involving GP practices, social workers, third sector organisations, and health occupational therapists, it ensures resources align with people’s needs. This collaborative approach enhances community support and promotes innovation and organisational adaptability.

Strategic, regional, and operational partnerships need further development to meet the needs of the local population in a collaborative way.

Next steps

We expect the local authority to consider the areas for improvement identified in our letter, and take appropriate action to address and improve these areas. We will monitor progress through our ongoing performance review activity with the local authority.

Where relevant we expect the local authority to share the positive practice identified with other local authorities, to disseminate learning and help drive continuous improvement in statutory services throughout Wales.

To see all our findings and recommendations read the full report below.

Local authority assurance check letter: Neath Port Talbot adult services