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  • 3 June 2021
  • News

Changes to the way we process Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Identity Verification (IDV) checks

We are changing the process for undertaking DBS Identification (IDV) checks from 1 July 2021.

From this date, we will no longer require you to attend a virtual or face-to-face IDV checks at a CIW office during your working hours.  You will be able to use the IDV service provided at a local Post Office.

From 1 July 2021, you will be prompted by the online application system, as part of the application process, to arrange an IDV check appointment at an available Post Office of your choice. There is a small administration charge of £12 for this service.

Find out more information about how to apply for a DBS check on the DBS section of our website.