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  • 2 February 2023
  • News

Dr Ruth Hussey to continue her role as Chair of our National Advisory Board for a further three years

The three-year term began on 1 January 2023 and will continue until 31 December 2025.

In line with our National Advisory Board terms of reference, the Chair and other Board members are initially appointed for up to two three-year terms.

The Chair is responsible for leading the Board in monitoring, scrutinising and raising awareness of our work. This is not a public appointment, and the role of Chair is a voluntary position.

Gillian Baranski Chief Inspector

I am delighted Dr Ruth Hussey will continue her role as Chair of our National Advisory Board. Over the past three years the services we regulate and inspect have faced unprecedented challenges and we very much welcome her continued leadership as the Board provides expertise and advice on key aspects of our work. I look forward to working with Dr Hussey and the Board over the next three years.

Dr Ruth Hussey

I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to be part of the National Advisory Board over the past three years. The stories from people both receiving and providing the services CIW regulates and inspects provides a powerful insight into the impact CIW’s work has on the daily lives of so many people across Wales. I look forward to continuing my role as Chair so that, together with the Board, we can continue to inform and support CIW’s work.

Further information about the role of our National Advisory Board and our National Advisory Board members can be found on our website.