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  • 20 June 2024
  • News

Evaluation of silent ratings pilot for care homes and domiciliary support services published

Last year we trialled unpublished inspection ratings for care homes and domiciliary support services across Wales.

We discussed the inspection ratings with providers during this phase but did not publish the ratings in their inspection reports. 

In order for us to get an understanding of what worked well and what areas needed further development we asked an independent company, Practice Solutions Ltd (External link) to evaluate our approach.

We have now published their findings – you can read the report by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page.

The Practice Solutions team sought the views of a wide range of people involved in both inspection and social care, including providers and carers of those who use services, as well as CIW inspectors. We would like to thank everyone who took their time to contribute to this important piece of work. 

Your views have really helped shape the 15 recommendations outlined in the report.

What’s next?

We remain committed to working with the sector to ensure people receive the best possible care and support and the evaluation report provides a welcome opportunity for further engagement to address the issues which have emerged to date.  

We are considering the recommendations carefully and will be publishing an action plan responding to the recommendations later this summer. The action plan will include further details on the steps we will take in preparation for ratings being published from April 2025. Next month the Welsh Government will be launching a full public consultation on draft regulations which will provide the legal basis for published inspection ratings.

We have written to all care home and domiciliary support service providers with dates for a series of events we are hosting in early July. We would encourage all of these providers to get involved with shaping this really important piece of work.