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  • 19 September 2024
  • News

Inspection report for child protection in Wales published

Along with other inspectorates we jointly reviewed the effectiveness of partnership working and the work of individual agencies in Child Protection across Wales.

Joint Inspections of Child Protection Arrangements (JICPA) took place between 2019 and 2024 in response to abuse and neglect of children.

Today’s review has been produced by Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW), His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS), Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW) and Estyn, following joint inspections of the multi‑agency response to abuse and neglect of children in each of Wales’s six regional safeguarding board areas between 2019 and 2024.

The aim of the work was to assess how well partner agencies communicate and collaborate to promote the welfare of children and protect them from abuse and harm.

The review has highlighted many examples of good practice within multi‑agency partnerships, local authorities, police forces, healthcare and children’s services, and examples of a strong safeguarding culture and a willingness to work effectively across agencies. The review also showcased many examples of innovative work which is having a positive impact on the drive to improve the quality of child protection in Wales.

However, the review did highlight some systemic issues hampering joint working, not least differing IT systems causing difficulties and some delays communicating essential information across multi-agency partners. 

A spokesperson from CIW said: 

“It is essential for professionals working in safeguarding to have access to accurate information and effective communication channels to understand the risks to children and take appropriate action to protect them. To do this they need to be working with the same information sharing systems. 

Our inspections have shed light on the real-world impact of these challenges on children, parents, carers, and staff involved in safeguarding efforts.

If these issues are addressed, partner agencies can work more effectively together to better support children at risk and provide them with the protection they deserve.

We are committed to working with partner agencies to improve child protection arrangements and ensure that every child is safe from harm. Our joint inspections serve as a valuable tool for identifying areas of improvement and driving positive change in safeguarding practices.”

To see all our findings and recommendations read the full report below.