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Our strategy and projects

What we want to achieve and how we plan to do it over the next five years.

Our strategic plan 2020-2025

Our strategic plan sets out our priorities over the next five years.

This ambitious plan sets out our commitment to putting people and their experiences at the heart of our work, as the body which regulates and inspects social care and childcare services in Wales.

Our plan focuses on three strategic priorities:

  1. To be a trusted voice to influence and drive improvement
  2. To consistently deliver a high quality service
  3. To be highly skilled and responsive

We will review these priorities each year to ensure they continue to be relevant and reflect the environment in which we operate.

Our engagement plan 2020-2025

Our engagement plan sets out our priorities and ambitions for engaging people in our work over the next five years.

Our ambition is to build strong and trusting relationships with people, talking with as many people as we can. Focusing on people’s experiences and understanding the impact of services on their lives will help us to improve the quality and safety of services for the well-being of the people of Wales.

The plan focuses on:

  • How we will ensure people are aware of the work we do and understand our role.
  • How we will take action to improve how we engage people in our work;
  • How we will share our knowledge and findings to support improvement.

We will evaluate the progress we have made in implementing this plan each year, working with the group of people who helped us to develop it and our National Advisory Board.