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Bethan Louise Kay

National Advisory Board member

Who am I?

My name is Bethan Louise Kay. I’m a strategic level Early Years professional with a passion and love for my family, the Welsh language, and our continuous journey towards ensuring we promote and deliver a brighter future for the children and young people of today.

What do I do?

I’m the Strategy and Planning Officer in the Early Years’ Service, Caerphilly County Borough Council.

My areas of interest and/or experience

I’m highly passionate about ensuring that Early Years and Social Care Services throughout Wales are of high quality and meet the needs of service users. I have worked in the field of Early Years at both operational and strategic level since graduating from university in 2012.

What’s important to me

Having a platform to influence and support the delivery and review of effective Early Years and Social Care Services within Wales, to deliver the best possible outcomes for all community members, both now and in the future.