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Providing feedback about Care Inspectorate Wales

How to give positive feedback or complain about us or a member of our staff.

There are some things that we cannot deal with through our complaints handling procedures. These include complaints or challenges about the factual accuracy of our inspection reports, which will be dealt with as part of our Responding to inspection reports policy.

Who can complain?

Anyone including a child or young person who has received or was entitled to receive a service from us can make a complaint about the service they receive from us.

If you are a young person or child

Where required, we will help you to make your complaint. You can also contact the Children’s Commissioner for Wales who may be able to help.

If you want to make a complaint on behalf of someone else

You can make a complaint on behalf of someone else if you are:

  • another person complaining on behalf of someone who has died;
  • a parent, guardian or someone else representing a child;
  • those who are unable to (as defined by the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (1);
  • a person who has been asked to do so by the person affected.

If you want to make a complaint about a service provided by Care Inspectorate Wales or a member of staff

If you want to complain about a service provided by Care Inspectorate Wales or a member of staff please contact us on 0300 7900 126. A member of staff will fill out a complaints form with you.

Alternatively you can complete our online form. Once we receive your complaint we will look at it and it will be passed onto a member of staff to sort out.

When your complaint will be resolved

We will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days and aim to resolve it within 10 working days. Some complex complaints may take longer.

If we’re unable to resolve your complaint

If we’re not able to sort out your complaint you may contact the Public Service Ombudsman for Wales.

You can also contact the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales about a range of issues. Visit the Ombudsman’s website (External link) for further details.

Welsh Government’s complaints policy

Care Inspectorate Wales is part of the Welsh Government. Under the Welsh Government’s complaint’s policy we must identify and process complaints about the service we provide, including our staff.

Further information about the policy is available from the Complaints section of the Welsh Government website.

Inspection reports

If you do not agree with the factual accuracy of a Care Inspectorate Wales inspection report (including non compliance notices), please follow the process set out in our Responding to inspection reports policy.

Decisions about registration

If you disagree with our proposal and decision relating to your registration, you have the right to appeal. This information is set out within the relevant statutory notice.

Complaints about Care Inspectorate Wales feedback form

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Your details

About your complaint

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