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Gillian Baranski

Chief Inspector of Care Inspectorate Wales

Who am I?

My name is Gillian Baranski and I have the enormous privilege of being the Chief Inspector of Care Inspectorate Wales.

I am originally from the Rhondda Valley, I am married with one daughter and now live in Cardiff.

What do I do?

I joined the Welsh Government as Chief Executive of CAFCASS Cymru in November 2010 before becoming the Chief Inspector of Care Inspectorate Wales on 10 October 2016.

My areas of interest and/or experience

A barrister with a Master's degree in Business Administration, I joined the Magistrates’ Courts Service in 1979 in Bristol. In 1996 I became the Justices’ Clerk to the Cardiff Magistrates and the Justices’ Chief Executive of South Wales Magistrates’ Courts Committee in April 2000.

Prior to joining Welsh Government, from 2005, I was the Home Office Crime Director for Wales working with partners, such as the police and local authorities, to reduce crime.

What’s important to me

Professionally I’m committed to making a positive difference for the people who use the services we regulate and inspect and ensuring CIW is the best possible place for colleagues to flourish.

Personally, my family are very important to me as well as travelling and more recently learning to cope with a tiny puppy with a huge personality.