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Guide to compiling a statement of purpose - Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016

The statement of purpose is a legal requirement. If you make an application to register a service with us you have to include a statement of purpose as part of your application.

Published: 8 January 2024
Last updated:

Information about the statement of purpose

1. What is a statement of purpose? 

1.1. The statement of purpose is a key document. It is developed primarily for you, the regulator and commissioners. It sets out the vision for the service and your aspirations for meeting the needs of the people you care for. It should clearly demonstrate that you fully understand their needs and demonstrate how, particularly through the levels and training of staff, the care routines, the environment and your links to other agencies, you will do your best to promote the best possible outcomes for the people you care for. 

1.2. The information in your statement of purpose must be accurate, kept up to date and should always reflect the range of needs your service is able to meet, including any specialist services. In preparing or updating a statement of purpose, service providers should consider the offence of making a false statement under section 47 of the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016 (the 2016 Act). 

2. Who is the statement of purpose for? 

2.1. The statement of purpose is a legal requirement. If you make an application to register a service with us you have to include a statement of purpose as part of your application. This will tell us: 

  1. details about you; 
  2. where the service is located; 
  3. the type of the service you provide;
  4. the aims and objectives of the service; and 
  5. how the service will be provided. 

2.2. While the statement of purpose can be used to provide information to anyone who may have an interest in your service. Its primary use under the 2016 Act is to provide a benchmark for you, the regulator and commissioners to measure how the service is performing. 

2.3. When considering your application to register, we will need to be satisfied that your service will make proper provision for the well-being of people and is able to meet the standards required in the regulations. The statement of purpose will be a key source of evidence used by us to inform decisions to grant or refuse applications for registration and variations to registration. 

2.4. Following registration, we will consider whether the service is being provided in line with the statement of purpose at every inspection. 

3. Does a service provider need more than one statement of purpose?

  • For accommodation based services, a statement of purpose is required for each location where a service is provided. 
  • For domiciliary support services, a statement of purpose is required for each regional partnership area in which the service is being provided.
  • For fostering, adoption, adult placement and advocacy services, only a single statement of purpose is required for the service being provided anywhere in Wales.   

4. When does the statement of purpose need to be amended? 

4.1. You should amend your statement of purpose when you make changes which results in it no longer accurately describing the service you provide and/or how it is provided. You should review your statement of purpose at least annually or when changes are being made to the service. 

4.2. When significant changes to the service are going to be made, there is a requirement to inform the regulator 28 days in advance of the proposed changes using our online notification process. You will need to submit your amended statement of purpose. Examples of significant changes include: 

  • Where a service which does not provide nursing care intends to provide nursing care; 
  • provision of additional specialist services e.g. palliative care or acquired brain injury; 
  • where a specific service referred to in the statement of purpose is to be withdrawn; or 
  • changes to the normal staffing arrangements as described in section 5 of the statement of purpose.

Please refer to section 3 ‘'Range of needs of the individuals for whom the regulated service is to be provided' within the Statement of Purpose template which can be found on our Register a service page.

4.3. We will consider the changes proposed and will need to be satisfied that: 

  1. Your service will continue to make proper provision for the well-being of people using your service; 
  2. is able to meet the standards required by the regulations; and 
  3. does not constitute a change that requires an application for a variation of your registration.

5. The legal context for the statement of purpose 

5.1. Schedule 2 of The Regulated Services (Registration) (Wales) Regulations 2017 sets out the information which must, as a minimum be included within the statement of purpose. A list of this required information can be found in annex 2. 

5.2. Regulations 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8 of The Regulated Services (Registration) (Wales) Regulations 2017, as amended by The Regulated Services (Annual Returns and Registration) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2019 (External link), places specific requirements on the provider in relation to the statement of purpose when making an application to register or vary a regulated service. A list of this required information can be found at annex 1.

5.3. In addition, the statement of purpose is referenced in many of the regulations within the following: 

These regulations set out the requirements in relation to service providers and responsible individuals. 

6. Links with the Annual Return 

6.1. The 2016 Act requires registered service providers to submit an annual return following the end of each financial year.  The annual return must include the information set out in section 10 of the 2016 Act and the annual return regulations made under the Act.  This includes the provision of a statement of compliance with the requirements as to the standards of care and support set out within the regulations. The statement of compliance is focused on the following key outcomes:

  1. People feel their voices are heard, they have choice about their care and support, and opportunities are made available to them.  
  2. People are happy and supported to maintain their ongoing health, development and overall well-being. For children, this will also include intellectual, social and behavioural development.  
  3. People feel safe and protected from abuse and neglect. 
  4. People live in accommodation that best supports their well-being and achievement of their personal outcomes (for accommodation-based services only). 

It would be helpful for the statement of purpose to be clear on how the service will meet these outcomes for people. 

Statement of purpose template 

The statement of purpose template can be found on our Register a service page.


Annex 1: The Regulated Services (Registration) (Wales) Regulations 2017: Regulation 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8

Regulation 3: A person who wants to provide a regulated service (3) must, in addition to the information set out in section 6(1) (a) to (c) provide the Welsh Ministers with the following:

  1. the information listed in Schedule 1; 
  2. in respect of applicants for registration as the provider of a care home service, a secure accommodation service or a residential family centre service, a statement of purpose for each place at which the service is to be provided;
  3. in respect of applicants for registration as the provider of an adoption service, a fostering service, an adult placement service or an advocacy service, a statement of purpose for each place in relation to which the service is to be provided; 
  4. in respect of applicants for registration as the provider of a domiciliary support service, a statement of purpose for each place in relation to which the service is to be provided. 

Regulation 4: The statement of purpose which is required to be provided in accordance with regulation 3(b), (c) or (d) must contain the information described in Schedule 2. 

Regulation 6: An application for variation of registration made pursuant to section 11(1)(a)(i) must, in addition to the information set out in section 11(3)(a)(i) and, where appropriate, section 11(3)(a)(ii), contain the following:

  1. the information listed in Schedule 1; 
  2. in respect of applications for variation of registration to provide a care home service, a secure accommodation service or a residential family centre service, a statement of purpose for each place at which the service is to be provided; 
  3. in respect of an applications for variation of registration to provide an adoption service, a fostering service, an adult placement service or an advocacy service in relation to a place which is not already specified in the provider’s registration in relation to that service, a statement of purpose for that place; 
  4. in respect of an application for variation of registration as the provider of a domiciliary support service in relation to a place which is not already specified in the provider’s registration in relation to that service, a statement of purpose for that place.

Regulation 7: An application for variation of registration made pursuant to section 11(1)(a)(ii) must, in addition to the information set out in section 11(3)(a)(i) and, where appropriate, section 11(3)(a)(ii), contain the following:

  1. the information listed in Schedule 1; 
  2. in respect of an application for variation of registration to provide a care home service, a secure accommodation service or a residential family centre service at a place which is not already specified in the provider’s registration in relation to that service, a statement of purpose for that place; 
  3. in respect of an applications for variation of registration to provide an adoption service, a fostering service, an adult placement service or an advocacy service in relation to a place which is not already specified in the provider’s registration in relation to that service, a statement of purpose for that place;
  4. in respect of an application for variation of registration as the provider of a domiciliary support service in relation to a place which is not already specified in the provider’s registration in relation to that service, a statement of purpose for that place.

Regulation 8: The statement of purpose which is required to be provided in accordance with regulation 6(b), (c) or (d) or in accordance with regulation 7(b), (c) or (d) must contain the information described in Schedule 2.

Annex 2: Schedule 2, The Regulated Services (Registration) (Wales) Regulations 2017: Information required to be contained in a statement of purpose 

The information that is required to be contained in a statement of purpose is as follows: 

  1. the name of the applicant; 
  2. where the applicant is an individual, the individual’s correspondence address; 
  3. where the applicant is an organisation, the address of the organisation’s principal or registered office; 
  4. in the case of a care home service, the name and address of the place at which the service is provided; 
    1. in the case of a domiciliary support service: 
      1. the name of the service; 
      2. the area in relation to which the service is provided; 
      3. the addresses of the office or offices from which the service will be provided;
      4. the addresses of any other office or offices which are used in connection with the provision of the service; 
    2. in the case of an adoption service, a fostering service, an adult placement service or an advocacy service: 
      1. the name of the service; 
      2. the area in relation to which the service is provided; 
      3. the addresses of the office or offices from which the service will be provided; 
      4. the addresses of any other office or offices which are used in connection with the provision of the service; 
  6. the name of the individual designated by the applicant as the responsible individual for the place at, from or in relation to which the service is to be provided; 
  7. a statement of the range of needs of the individuals for whom the regulated service is to be provided to include the age range, number and sex of such individuals; 
  8. how the service is to be provided to meet the needs of individuals and support them to achieve their personal outcomes, as required by regulations under section 27 and taking into account the range of needs set out in the statement of purpose (see paragraph (g)); 
  9. details of the proposed management and staffing structure of the service; 
  10. details of the premises, facilities and equipment that will be available to individuals in accordance with the requirements of the regulations made under section 27 and taking into account the range of needs set out in the statement of purpose (see paragraph (g)); 
  11. in the case of a care home service, a secure accommodation service or a residential family centre service, a description of the area in which the service is located and the community facilities and services available there; 
  12. details of the arrangements made to support the cultural, linguistic and religious needs of the individuals; 
  13. details of the arrangements made for consulting individuals about the operation of the regulated service; 
  14. details of how the provider will meet individuals language and communication needs, including through the medium of Welsh; 
  15. details of any healthcare (including nursing) or therapy to be provided at the premises at which it is intended to provide the regulated service.


Glossary of terms

Accommodation based services: These include care home services, residential family services and secure accommodation services and Special School Residential Services.

Domiciliary support services: These include supported living arrangements. 

Regional partnership area: These are the regional partnership areas set out in the Partnership Arrangements (Wales) Regulations 2015. These regulations require local authorities and local health boards to make partnership arrangements to carry out specified functions. Within these regulations seven partnership areas are identified. They are as follows: 

  1. Partnership arrangements under the direction of Gwent regional partnership Board 
    • Aneurin Bevan University Health Board 
    • Monmouthshire County Council 
    • Newport City Council 
    • Torfaen County Borough Council 
    • Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council 
    • Caerphilly County Borough Council
  2. Partnership arrangements under the direction of North Wales regional partnership board 
    • Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board 
    • Flintshire County Council 
    • Wrexham County Borough Council 
    • Isle of Anglesey County Council 
    • Gwynedd County Council 
    • Denbighshire County Council 
    • Conwy County Borough Council
  3. Partnership arrangements under the direction of Cardiff and Vale regional partnership board 
    • Cardiff and Vale University Health Board 
    • Cardiff City and County Council 
    • Vale of Glamorgan Council
  4. Partnership arrangements under the direction of West Glamorgan regional partnership board 
    • Swansea Bay University Local Health Board 
    • Swansea City and County Council 
    • Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council
  5. Partnership arrangements under the direction of Cwm Taf Morgannwg regional partnership board 
    • Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Local Health Board 
    • Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council 
    • Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council 
    • Bridgend County Borough Council 
  6. Partnership arrangements under the direction of the West Wales regional partnership board 
    • Hywel Dda University Health Board 
    • Pembrokeshire County Council 
    • Carmarthenshire County Council 
    • Ceredigion County Council 
  7. Partnership arrangements under the direction of Powys regional partnership board 
    • Powys Teaching Health Board 
    • Powys County Council

Specialist care/service: When we refer to a specialist service, we mean a service that is specifically tailored to care for a specific group of people or with a particular type of condition – for example acquired brain injury, learning disability, sensory impairment etc. This will include a higher than average level of need which may require: 

  • special training and or qualifications to understand and meet needs; 
  • an environment designed to support the particular condition or group of people; 
  • specialist equipment to support the particular condition or group of people; and/or 
  • higher intensity of skilled support hours. 

Models of care: This is the approach or the way services are delivered. Models of care are normally based on best practice in the care for a particular group of people as they progress through the stages of a condition, injury or event.