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Kevin Barker

Deputy Chief Inspector


Kevin began his career as a social worker in Bristol, before moving to Wales in 1989. He worked as a senior practitioner, community development officer and principal social services officer in south Wales – mostly in services for people with learning disabilities.  Immediately prior to joining the former Social Services Inspectorate for Wales in 2002 he was head of service for a voluntary organisation in Bristol providing a variety of residential and domiciliary services for people with learning disabilities. 

Kevin has undertaken a variety of roles for the inspectorates - leading on reviews of local authority social services (including joint reviews with the former Wales Audit Office) and a temporary role coordinating the work of CIW and partner inspectorates through ‘Inspection Wales’. He was Head of Childcare and Play Inspection for CIW between 2018 – 2024.

Originally from Bethnal Green in East London, Kevin lives in Brecon and has two daughters and a granddaughter.

Current role

Kevin took up the role of Deputy Chief Inspector on 19 August 2024.