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Local authority monitoring activity letter: Vale of Glamorgan Council

This letter summarises findings from our follow up assurance check undertaken in Vale of Glamorgan Council Children and Young People Services (CYPS) between 23 and 25 November 2021.

Children and Young People Services (CYPS), following up on the findings of our March 2021 inspection.  We judged services had progressed on their improvement journey to help and support children and families.

Our focus was on the safety and well-being of children and families.  We specifically focused on improvements, the experience of children and young people and whether statutory duties and responsibilities, including practice expectations had been met.

We also considered whether there was sufficient information recorded on case files to support timely, appropriate, and proportionate decisions.  We sought assurance to confirm IROs were consistently promoting the voice of children and young people and monitoring how well plans were delivered to meet well-being outcomes.

All of our key lines of enquiry were framed within the four principles of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014.

Summary of findings:

People - voice and control

The local authority had responded proactively to the areas for improvement identified by CIW at the assurance check undertaken in March 2021.

An action plan had been developed which set out details of required improvements and timescales for delivery.


Data submitted by the local authority confirms significant improvements are required to ensure assessments and reviews are undertaken within statutory timescales.

The local authority were taking action to strengthen their performance data and quality assurance systems.


We found evidence of the provision of early intervention and prevention services to assist in supporting some children and families.

We were assured that information and communication exchange between early help and statutory services was effective at both strategic and operational levels.

Partnership and Integration

The impact of the pandemic has created disruption but regional safeguarding and partnership boards have now resumed and joint management executive meetings have begun to reprioritise children’s services.

Evidence seen in case files supports constructive partnership working in the context of safeguarding.

Next steps

We have drawn the attention of the local authority to our findings. We will monitor progress through on-going performance evaluation activity. 

To view all our findings and recommendations read the full letter below.