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  • 13 May 2022
  • News

We welcome your views about Cafcass Cymru

If you are, or if you have, received a service from Cafcass Cymru in relation to public family law we welcome your feedback by Friday 10 June 2022.

In June 2022 Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) will be undertaking an assurance check of Cafcass Cymru.

This will focus on the quality and effectiveness of Cafcass Cymru’s main functions of acting as children’s guardians providing expert advice to courts, safeguarding and supporting children and families.

If you are, or if you have, received a service from Cafcass Cymru in relation to public family law applications(external link), we would like to hear about your experience. Public law relates to the 'Care’ or ‘Supervision’ proceedings where a Local Authority has applied to the family court to protect a child when there are serious concerns about a child’s safety or welfare.

Please note we are only focusing on Cafcass’s role regarding public family law matters at this time and not private matters which relates to families(external link) that find it hard to agree on what is best for their children, to help make things better they may ask the family court to help resolve their disagreement.

We would be grateful if you could complete the survey that applies to you below to give us your feedback by Friday 10 June 2022.

Please click on the appropriate link below to complete: These surveys are for parents and carers (such as a relatives or friend) of a child; and children who are, or have received, a service from Cafcass Cymru:

If you are a stakeholders we would like to hear from you to ensure key organisations that work with Cafcass Cymru can share their views.

Alternatively, you can complete the easy read version of the survey, which you can find at the bottom of this page. Download and complete the survey, then email it back to

Our inspection letter for these services will be published on our website.